Application of complex therapy in combination herbal remedies oil licorice and ultrasonic scaler in the treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis on the background of diabetes of the 2nd type




Conducted clinical and microbiological study of the microflora ofperiodontal pockets (PP) in patients with chronic generalized parodontitis (ChGP) on the background of diabetes of the 2nd type, which in complex treatment included root canals with II degree of mobility, as well as ultrasonic scaler and phyto-oil licorice. It is established that the method of removal of tooth pulp of teeth with the mobility of the II degree and the addition of Ultrasonic (Us) scaling systematic individual hygiene using plant-based oil, licorice, known for its strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, has a positive impact on the extent of microbial contamination PP, increases the effectiveness of US-scaling and improves the quality of life ofpatients ChGP on the background of diabetes of the 2nd type.


Malkan Amkhadova

Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan state medical University; M.F. Vladimirskogo Moscow regional research clinical Institute


B. Zhanalina

Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan state medical University; M.F. Vladimirskogo Moscow regional research clinical Institute

N. Zholdasova

Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan state medical University; M.F. Vladimirskogo Moscow regional research clinical Institute

K. Azhenova

Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan state medical University; M.F. Vladimirskogo Moscow regional research clinical Institute

M. Gamzatov

Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan state medical University; M.F. Vladimirskogo Moscow regional research clinical Institute

I. Amkhadov

Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan state medical University; M.F. Vladimirskogo Moscow regional research clinical Institute


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