Study of corrosion properties of domestic alloys based on palladium




It was carried out a comprehensive study of the corrosion properties of noble Russian palladium-based alloys, such as: "Palladent UNI”, "Palladent” and” Vitiriy-P”. For a complete study of the corrosion properties of the alloy we used a set of spectral and electrochemical methods including voltammetry and X-ray spectral microprobe analysis (RSMA). Held definition of steady-state potentials of alloys and determination of the corrosion rate, depending on the values of pH. With RSMA conducted for determining the thickness of the film of corrosion products and surface composition of alloys to corrosion tests and after the elections , as well as calculate the thermodynamic options phase formation of corrosion on the surface of all three alloys. All investigated alloys have very low corrosion rate in the standard pH of artificial saliva and the displacement of more value in the acidic side.


Vitaliy Parunov

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov

127473, Moscow

O. Kozlov

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov

127473, Moscow

L. Fishgoit

Moscow State University

119234, Moscow

V. Kozlov

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov

127473, Moscow


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