The utilization of material “Collost” during treatment of patients with fractures of mandibula withi dentition




Issue of defects of bones remain unresolved as planned and emergency maxillofacial surgery and stomatology, in particular, in the treatment of patients with fractures of the within the dentition. Cases, when the teeth of Linyi fracture removed and bone tissue defect is not recharge, increased risk of purulent-inflammatory diseases. Our study under the supervision of for 2 flight were patients with mandibular fractures within the dentition. All the patients were divided into 2 equal groups. The main group was filling defect bone material «Collost» unlike the comparison group, in which patients were treated surgically without implantation material, defect area of the lower jaw. According to survey fundings about the decreases in terms osteoreparative processes and rehabilitations of patients using material «Collost».


Yuriy Medvedev

The First Moscow State Medical University of I.M. Sechenov

Department of hospital surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery

Igor’ Cherkesov

The First Moscow State Medical University of I.M. Sechenov

Department of hospital surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery

Ekaterina D’yachkova

The First Moscow State Medical University of I.M. Sechenov

Department of hospital surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery


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