Alternative methods of tre atment of periodontal disease on the background of overtraining




On the basis of clinical and epidemiological studies conducted among 475 professional athletes, it was noted that the largest number among surveyed athletes as young and older age has a distinct pathology of periodontal tissues, the primary etiologic factor in the development of which is the «sports immunodeficiency». The highest prevalence and intensity of inflammatory periodontal diseases, in particular, the most severe forms of this disease was detected, with increased age and sport experience. Optimal and well-grounded selection and focus on the remedies of natural origin, such as products based on plants and propolis that do not cause allergic reactions and other side effects, in this particular clinical case helps to improve the hygienic condition of the oral cavity, to neutralization of clinical signs of periodontitis and to normalization oral microbiota of athletes involved in sports of the higher achievements.


E. Babaev

Azerbaijan Medical University

Department of therapeutic dentistry

F. Mamedov

Azerbaijan Medical University

Department of therapeutic dentistry


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