


The article presents the results of a study of the antibacterial and fungicidal activity of disinfectants (DS) Zeta3 and Zeta7 compared to similar groups of STC/HOUR (Okadez, Septabic, Katamin) in relation to кариесогенной, parodontopathogenic and fungal flora of the oral cavity. It is established that the antimicrobial activity of the studied DS Zeta3 and Zeta7 is created in solutions with 0,001 is 0.0001 % of the concentrations of the drug, as against bacteria, including anaerobic species of yeast and fungi. In most cases, activity Zeta3 and Zeta7 considerably exceeds activity of traditional DS from the group H, or not much different from the two drugs comparison - Septabic and Katamin AB. Stockpile reliability allows us to offer these drugs for clinical use in the health facilities of dental profile as a new DS.


E. Ippolitov

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University Ministry of health of Russia

127473, Москва

Z. Khasigova

Dental clinic


F. Dzitstsoeva

City children’s polyclinic 148 MBT


E. Laschenko

Oryol regional dentists polyclinic

302030, Oryol

S. Arutyunov

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University Ministry of health of Russia

127473, Москва


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