


This review presents the literature data and own researches of the author on the topography and the distribution of constitutive and inducible NO- sinthase and the meaning of NO in the mechanisms of cell reorganization of damaged mucous membrane maxillary sinus. The presence of enzymes shown in the cytoplasm of a prismatic epithelium and the goblet cells, fibroblasts and mast cells mucous basis, endothelium of vessels and nerve fibers. Briefly describes the main regularities of the inclusion of the intercellular messengers in potentiation of the physiological effects NO trauma and chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane maxillary sinus. The estimation is given to the cytotoxic and neuroprotective effects NO in these conditions. The obtained data are argued by the in favour of the view, which considers the cumulative effect of trauma and chronic inflammation as a result of primary death of the tissues of the mucous membranes and secondary widespread damage - apoptosis near the site of injury and at the distance. The activity of NO-synthase is a significant factor, which defines the anti - and proapoptotic NO action at different times after the accident.


S. Edranov

ГБОУ ВПО Владивостокский государственный медицинский университет Минздравсоцразвития России

Кафедра гистологии, канд. мед. наук 690990, г. Владивосток, пр-т Острякова, д. 2


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