Stress as a risk factor of the development of periodontal diseases in foreign students




The objective of the present study was to elucidate the relationship between the state of periodontal tissues and the intensity of stressful impacts experienced by foreign students educated at the Russian University of People' Friendship during the first year of their stay in Moscow. The level of stress was estimated using the PSM-25 scale and the state of the periodontal tissues based on the CPI index. The study revealed positive correlation between stress intensity and the severity of inflammatory diseases of parodontium. It is concluded that cultural and academic stress should be regarded as an important risk factor of periodontal pathology in foreign students.


Fatima Daurova

Российский университет дружбы народов

Кафедра терапевтической стоматологии- канд. мед. наук, проф. каф., зам. декана мед. факультета, зав. каф. терапевтической стоматологии 8(495) 787-38-03; Российский университет дружбы народов

F Daurova


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