The level of knowledge about methods for the tooth restoration among students of the Russian Academy of Continuous Medical Education (a sociological study)




The methods for direct and indirect tooth restoration have recently found the increasingly extensive application in the general structure of stomatological care provided to the population. Meantime, the majority of the responders interviewed in the course of the present study turned out to be poorly aware of the modern techniques for direct and indirect aesthetic restoration of hard tooth tissues. This finding implies the necessity of enhanced attention to the problem in question at all levels of pre- and post-diploma education of doctor-stomatologists trained in this important (especially in the current context) field.


S Abakarov

Кафедра ортопедической стоматологии стоматологического факультета РМАПО

Кафедра ортопедической стоматологии стоматологического факультета РМАПО

Anatoliy Alimskiy

Научно-организационный отдел ФГУ ЦНИИСиЧЛХ Росмедтехнологий

д-р мед. наук. проф., зав. научно-организационным отд; Научно-организационный отдел ФГУ ЦНИИСиЧЛХ Росмедтехнологий

K Sedakov

Кафедра ортопедической стоматологии стоматологического факультета РМАПО

Кафедра ортопедической стоматологии стоматологического факультета РМАПО

S Abakarov

A Alimsky

K Sedakov


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