Medical-statistical indicators of dental disease prevalence among students of general educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation




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BACKGROUND: Currently, the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation has 33 general educational institutions, with around 18,000 students who are part of the personnel reserve aimed at enhancing the country’s defense capability.

AIM: To evaluate the medical-statistical indicators of dental disease prevalence among students, which can be used to optimize dental care in the general educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed the dental disease prevalence (ICD-10 codes K00–K14) among students from the academic years 2009/2010 to 2021/2022 using the reporting form 13K/MED approved by the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation, as well as during annual medical examinations. The level of dental disease prevalence was calculated per mil (‰).The number of those in need of and sanitized children were calculated in percentages (%). The results were tested for the normal distribution of characteristics. The text includes the mean values and their errors.

RESULTS: The average annual level of total dental disease prevalence or incidence among students was 1687.9±16.0‰ and 563.4±12.2‰ for primary dental disease. This was significantly higher by an order of magnitude compared to previously examined conscripted military personnel, achieved through personalized approaches and strict medical-statistical accounting. No significant differences were observed in dental disease prevalence indicators among different age groups of students. A decrease in both total and primary dental disease prevalence rates has been observed in recent years. The average annual percentage of students requiring oral cavity sanitation was 40.9±1.2% and 75.4±1.8% of those who underwent sanitation. The proportion of sanitized students in the 16–18 age group was significantly higher than in younger age groups (p <0.001).

CONCLUSION: Medical-statistical indicators should be used to optimize dental care in the general educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation.


Ivan Soldatov

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8740-9092
SPIN 代码: 1503-1278

MD, Cand. Sci. (Medicine), Associate Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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2. Fig. 1. Dynamics of overall dental disease incidence among inmates in age groups: a — total array; b — 10–12 years, c — 13–15 years, d — 16–18 years.

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3. Fig. 2. Dynamics of primary dental disease incidence among inmates in age groups: a — total array; b — 10–12 years, c — 13–15 years, d — 16–18 years.

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4. Fig. 3. Dynamics of the percentage of inmates in age groups requiring oral cavity sanitation: a — total array; b — 10–12 years, c — 13–15 years, d — 16–18 years.

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5. Fig. 4. Dynamics of the proportion of rehabilitated inmates in age groups: a — total array; b — 10–12 years, c — 13–15 years, d — 16–18 years.

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