Professor N.A. Astakhov and his contribution to the development of dentistry




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Currently, students, clinical residents, young dentists, and teachers of dental departments of medical universities in Russia know practically nothing about the professional activities of the Doctor of Medical Sciences and Professor Nikolai Alexandrovich Astakhov.

N.A. Astakhov’s professional activity focused on the treatment of dental caries, periodontal pathology (then, alveolar pyorrhea), relationship of dental pathology with general diseases of the human body, dental prosthetic issues, traumatic occlusion, and orthodontics. He created the first cycles in the country for the improvement of dentists and dentists.

Professor N.A. Astakhov was a benevolent, selfless, sympathetic, highly erudite specialist, had a well-deserved authority, and enjoyed deep respect among dentists and the medical community of Leningrad and USSR. His name should forever remain in the memory of the general dental community in Russia and countries near and abroad. The scientific heritage of Professor N.A. Astakhov is a valuable contribution to the development of medical science and all sections of dentistry.


Andrey Iordanishvili

International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Security and Nature; Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0052-3277
SPIN 代码: 6752-6698

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, 74, Big Ave. Vasilyevsky Island, Saint Petersburg; 6, letter Zh Akademika Lebedeva street, 194044 Saint Petersburg


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