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Case monitoring to reveal the clinical pattern of compartment syndrome in patients suffering from sub-mandibular and submental space phlegmons was carried out. Two trend groups were formed: the primary group (33 patients) where compartment syndrome was diagnosed and treated according to an original method (RF Patent No. 2612830) including ultrasound wound treatment and ozone therapy, and the control group (32 patients) treated using established methods. In the control group, steady-state character of postoperative status was observed, while the primary group demonstrated regressive character. Good results in 93,9% and satisfactory results in 6,1% of the patients allow to recommend the developed patient surveillance tactics for phlegmon cases in clinical practice.

About the authors

D. A Stepanov

The Rostov State Medical University

344022, Russia, Rostov-on-Don

Stanislav Y. Maksyukov

The Rostov State Medical University

Dr Med. Sci., Professor, head of the Department of stomatology №2 Rostov state medical University 344022, Russia, Rostov-on-Don


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