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The article is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with musculo-articular dysfunction (MSD) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain syndrome in combination with amplipulsetherapy, fluctuating and orthopedic methods. The purpose of the study - to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis (present study included) of the DPA and TMJ, with pain, with the help of complex methods of therapy. Made clinical examinations of 98 patients of 35-45 years with MSD and TMJ pain. Identified groups of patients with present study included and MSD with displacement and without displacement of the mandible. Defined electromyographic parameters of bioelectric activity of masticatory and temporal muscles in patients with present study included and MSD. For pain syndrome all patients appointed fluctuating in the area of TMJ. Determined the effectiveness of the treatment, studied diagnostic models in articulator PROTAR (Germany), conducted an electromyography. To eliminate occlusive barriers used mouthguard during sleep. Studies have shown that the use of clear aligners in combination with orthopedic and physiotherapeutic methods is an effective method in the treatment of patients with MDS present study included pain. Okklyuzionny tires change the nature of closing the teeth, affect the periodontium, masticatory muscles and TMJ. Without dental intervention on the occlusal surface they help to diagnose and troubleshoot the DPA in the TMJ due to occlusions violations.

About the authors

R. R Khaybullina

Bashkir state medical University

Email: rasimadiana@mail.ru
research assistant, associate Professor of the Department of therapeutic dentistry with a course Bashkir state medical University of The Ministry of health of Russia 450008, Lenina 3, Ufa, Russia

L. P Gerasimova

Bashkir state medical University

450008, Lenina 3, Ufa, Russia

N. S Kuznetsova

Bashkir state medical University

450008, Lenina 3, Ufa, Russia


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