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The authors have studied the condition of the salivary glands in 50 patients of hypogene-dizma. Received answered clinical laboratory obsledovaniya allowed to conclude that sialadens occurring in patients on the background of hypogonadism, does not have a specific and severe clinical symptoms, clinically hidden flows both for patients and for doctors shared a link. The most typical symptoms of sialadenosis are: parotid or submandibular of the LF, reducing the secretion and the increase in the viscosity of mixed saliva. When conducting a special treat hypogonadism, is determined by reducing the size of the LF, the increase in the level of salivation and to reduce the viscosity of saliva. However, full recovery of these parameters occurs, which necessitates the examination of patients with sialadenosis and hypogonadism-IOM endocrinologist and a dentist for developing parameters of complex treatment of patients.

About the authors

Vasiliy Vladimirovich Afanas’ev

Center for salivary gland diseases A.I. Evdokimov MSMSU

Dr. med.Sciences, Professor, head of Department of traumatology of the maxillofacial region A.I. Evdokimov MSMSU 127473, г. Москва

S. Yu Kalinchenko

People’s friendship University


O. Yu Vinokurova

Center for salivary gland diseases A.I. Evdokimov MSMSU

127473, г. Москва

Kh. A Ordashev

Dagestan state medical Academy


M. M Damadaev

Center for salivary gland diseases A.I. Evdokimov MSMSU

127473, г. Москва


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