Wedge-shaped defects of hard dental tissues

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Diseases among non-carious origin frequent wedge-shaped defects of hard dental tissues. Problem diagnosis and treatment of wedge-shaped defects of teeth due to their prevalence, the lack of unity of views on the origin and cause of the disease, the tactics of treatment and lack of lighting in the medical literature. Restoration of tooth tissues with such defects are certain difficulties, as is required a special approach to dissection, treatment, and the right choice of filling material, you must also take into account the general diseases of the body, affecting the process of loss of dental hard tissues. The review presents data on the prevalence of dental wedge-shaped defects, etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, dismantled different classification, which involves proper planning in the future treatment of this defect, also addressed the issue of treatment of a wedge-shaped defect. It analyzed 30 references, both domestic and foreign authors.

About the authors

Gulnaz Hamzievna Yanbulatova


dentist, graduate student of dentistry IPO SSMU 443096, Samara, Russia


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