Results of a 10-year retrospective analysis of treatment of chronic periodontitis

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In article the result of 10 years’ supervision of205 teeth at 159 patients to whom carried out endodontichesky treatment of chronic periodontitis is analysed. During the observed period prosthetics of 95 teeth was made. As a result of prosthetics of teeth in terms till 10 years complications - changes, perforation of roots and a bottom ofa cavity of tooth, okklyuzionny injuries which led to removal in 25 cases and, as a result, to repeated prosthetics were revealed.

About the authors

Olga Nikolaevna Ivanchenko

Polyclinic “Gazprom”

117420, Moscow

S. V Zubov

N.I. Pirogov Institute of improvement of doctors “National mediko-surgical centre”

department maxillofacial surgery and stomatology 105203, Moscow


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