Therapeutic capabilities of the new chewing herbal remedy in treatment of lichen planus of the oral mucosa

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Herbal medicine is now becoming more common, because when it’s used is minimal risk of side effects and allergic reactions. The aim of the work was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the new chewing herbal remedy, containing beeswax and medicinal extracts, consisting of English oak bark, grass Hypericum perforatum, and creeping thyme herb in the treatment of lichen planus of the oral mucosa. The study was performed involving 112 patients with various forms of lichen planus of the oral mucosa in age from 24 to 70 years. The first group included 54 patients, who as part of a new treatment used chewing herbal remedy containing beeswax and medicinal extracts. In the second group were 58 people, who as part of a treatment applied chewing agent containing only beeswax. It was found that the new chewing herbal remedy containing beeswax and medicinal extracts, consisting of English oak bark, grass Hypericum perforatum and grass creeping thyme, in the treatment of lichen planus of the oral mucosa has a high efficiency, which was confirmed by positive clinical dynamics in all patients (over rapidflattening of the disappearance of the papules, burning relief, a sense of roughness, tightness, shortening epithelialization of erosions, longer remission in all forms of the disease).

About the authors

S. V Chuykin

Bashkir State Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

450000, Ufa, Russia

Gyuzel Maratovna Akmalova

Bashkir State Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: А
450000, Ufa, Russia

N. V Kudashkina

Bashkir State Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

450000, Ufa, Russia

E. G Egorova

Bashkir State Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

450000, Ufa, Russia


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