Quantification of biofouling samples of dental implants from a variety of base materials covered and not covered carbide-silicon coating “Pantsyr"

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In experiments using the method of scanning electron microscopy it was shown that the coating of silicon carbide «Shell» has a strong anti-adhesive effect and can be successfully used in orthopedics prosthetics. Given the above, the coating of silicon carbide were promising way to solve the problems associated with the shortcomings of acrylic plastic in prosthetic dentistry, which allows to significantly reduce biofouling samples of dental implants from a variety of base materials.

About the authors

Igor Anatolievich Voronov

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University; “S.A. Vekshinskiy Research Institute of Vacuum Technology”

Email: voronov77@mail.ru
department comprehensive dentures 127206, Moscow, Russia

E. A Mitrofanov

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University; “S.A. Vekshinskiy Research Institute of Vacuum Technology”

department comprehensive dentures 127206, Moscow, Russia

A. L Kalinin

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University; “S.A. Vekshinskiy Research Institute of Vacuum Technology”

department comprehensive dentures 127206, Moscow, Russia


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