The effectiveness of drugs with antiseptic and osteostimuliruyuschimi properties in the treatment of complicated caries

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This study determined the clinical efficacy of the treatment of destructive forms of chronic periodontitis using "Chitosan with silver” and the calcium material "Metapeks”. The main group consisted of 56 people (122 channels), which was held conservative endodontic treatment using "Chitosan with silver”. The comparison group consisted of 42 people (92 channels), which applies to "Metapeks”. Based on the results of comparative osteodensitometry held at different times showed that the use of "chitosan silver” in the treatment of destructive forms of chronic periodontitis by 23.8% more efficient than the use of drugs based on calcium hydroxide.

About the authors

P. A Zhelezny

Medical University Novosibirsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

630091, Novosibirsk

Anna Pavlovna Zheleznaya

Medical University Novosibirsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

630091, Novosibirsk

K. O Samoylov

Medical University Novosibirsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

630091, Novosibirsk


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