The qualitative and quantitative indices of the work of dentists-orthopedists and dental technicians and their optimum relationship in the structure of stomatological establishments

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During 225 working days the time-checking measures of the duration of main kinds of orthopedic aid by 56 dentists in 14 stomatological establishments were held. More than 90 thousand of the main elements ofdentists ’ labor and their duration were fixed. The departmental standards for the time ofdentists and dental technicians were determined; their indices were compared. The qualitative and quantitative indices of their work depending on the organizationalform of orthopedic aid and the technical process of production of dentures were elaborated. The optimum relationship of organic assignments of these specialists in dependence on the organizational form ofproduction of dentures by these specialists was revealed.

About the authors

T. V Dieva

State Establishment «The Institute of Stomatology of the National academy of medical science of Ukraine»; Odessa National Medical University; NIIAMS

V. A Labunets

State Establishment «The Institute of Stomatology of the National academy of medical science of Ukraine»; Odessa National Medical University; NIIAMS

E. V Diev

State Establishment «The Institute of Stomatology of the National academy of medical science of Ukraine»; Odessa National Medical University; NIIAMS

Yu. G Romanova

State Establishment «The Institute of Stomatology of the National academy of medical science of Ukraine»; Odessa National Medical University; NIIAMS

V. V Sadovskiy

State Establishment «The Institute of Stomatology of the National academy of medical science of Ukraine»; Odessa National Medical University; NIIAMS



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