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At present all more dentist understand that to conduct only only artistic restoration of the teeth, even the most modern composition material, it is not enough. Necessary objective information on morphologies teeth not only, but also about function condition teethgnatology device. Us are designed computer program on recovering the morphological features teeth, algorithm action, describing way of the reconstruction teeth composition material with provision for modern computer program, shortenning time of modeling at increasing of efficiency and quality to aesthetic restoration. The Restoration teeth is by means of author ’s computer program possible to realize as direct, so and indirect technology.

About the authors

F. Yu Daurova

Russian University of the Friendship Folk; polyclinics № 1 Russian Academy of the Sciences

Medical department

T. V. Vayc

Russian University of the Friendship Folk; polyclinics № 1 Russian Academy of the Sciences

Medical department

Z. S Kodzaeva

Russian University of the Friendship Folk; polyclinics № 1 Russian Academy of the Sciences

Medical department


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