Orthodontic treatment for patients with cleft lip and palate , taking into account the structural features of the language

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This article analyses the peculiarities of language provision in patients with cleft lip and palate. Presented to the Protocol orthodontic treatment with the use of the author’s devices, the use of which contribute to the normalization of the position of the tongue, prevent the action of the scars lip and palate, contribute to the restoration of миодинамического balance of the maxillofacial area of the patient, as well as contribute to the harmonization of the articulatory movements language, increase the efficiency of the speech training with a view to making sounds with the rise of the language.

About the authors

N. V Starikova

Central research institute of stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery

Email: starnata.65@mail.ru

A. G Nadtochiy

Central research institute of stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery

N. V Udalova

Central research institute of stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery

I. V Sobolev

Central research institute of stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery


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