Development of a new silicon carbide coating for protection from dentures biodegradation

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The main biological agents that carry out biodegradation, are microorganisms that have a huge variety of enzyme systems and metabolic lability. Without the use of various polymer materials for medical purposes is hard to imagine modern medicine. One of the most important moments in the life of biocompatible polymers present in the body, is the process of removing it from the products of biodegradation of polymers - metabolites. Removing the formed product from a zone of implantation of the polymer material (its gradual resorption in body tissues) can be explained by the increased solubility of biodegradation products in liquid media. Due to the unique combination of properties SiC structural ceramics questions and get her study are the focus of researchers and technologists, both in Russia and abroad. Along with the development of ceramic materials based on SiC, is actively underway to obtain silicon carbide coatings having a strength and good adhesion to a variety of materials at high temperatures. We have developed a process for preparing silicon carbide films with high technical parameters of interaction based on silicon and carbon, formed by cleavage of the hydrocarbon molecules, and applying it to the plastic material by ion plasma deposition. Coverage was called «Pantsyr» Carapace. The aim of our study is a comparative new surface protection characteristic «Pantsyr» samples dental polymethyl methacrylate plastic «Ftorax AO Stoma, Ukraine» for denture uncovered and covered coated «Pantsyr» in the interaction with Staphylococcus aureus as the most important microorganism in the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

About the authors

Igor Anatolievich Voronov

MSMSU them. A.I. Evdokimov

Department comprehensive dentures

E. A Mitrofanov

«Research Institute of Vacuum Technology. S.A. Vekshinsky»

A. L Kalinin

«Research Institute of Vacuum Technology. S.A. Vekshinsky»

S. B Semakin

«Research Institute of Vacuum Technology. S.A. Vekshinsky»

L. V Didenko

Gamaleya Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology

G. A Avtandilov

Gamaleya Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology


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