Adaptation of the Quest Scale questionnaire to study the connection between the religiosity of women and their behavior during pregnancy





INTRODUCTION: This article presents the results of the adaptation of the Quest Scale questionnaire to study the religiosity in a Russian population, including women at different stages of pregnancy. The authors suggest that the study of religiosity as a personal quest is applicable when studying the religiosity of modern women. In addition, this study aimed to adapt the Quest Scale questionnaire to study the religiosity of women.

AIM: To adapt the Quest Scale questionnaire to investigate the religiosity of women.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The questionnaire was adapted for 530 people (50, pilot sample; 162, a group of subjects of different genders and ages; 318, a group of women at different stages of pregnancy; M=32.8 years; SD, 8.27 years) of different levels of education and ethnic and religious affiliation. Consistency, reproducibility, and validity were determined using the Cronbach consistency coefficient α, ICC coefficient, and factor analysis, respectively. In addition, Pearson correlation coefficient r was calculated on the basis of the “index of basic spiritual experiences,” which is a scale of religious orientation (G. Allport, D. Ross) to determine the structure of individual religiosity (Yu.V. Shcherbatykh). Calculations were performed in IBM SPSS 23.0 program.

RESULTS: During adaptation, the questionnaire with a high level of scale consistency was obtained: for the first scale “willingness to solve existential problems without reducing their complexity” α=0.85; for the second scale “positive perception of religious doubts” α=0.78; for the third scale “openness to change” α=0.76. In addition, the level of scale consistency is higher in pregnant women, and lower in subjects of different genders and ages. A sufficient level of stability was recorded during repeated reproduction (ICC≈0.83 for the first scale, ICC≈0.75 for the second scale, and ICC≈0.85 for the third scale, p=0.0001). The factor structure of the questionnaire is also described. External validity was established during the discussion of the relationship between the scales of the Quest Scale questionnaire and the methods adapted for the Russian population.

CONCLUSIONS. The adapted Quest Scale questionnaire is suitable for studying the peculiarities of religiosity in the Russian population, primarily for women at different stages of pregnancy.


Anait Maryanyan

Scientific Center of Family Health Problems and Human Reproduction

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9544-2172
SPIN 代码: 2584-6861


俄罗斯联邦, Irkutsk

Mikhail Kuzmin

Scientific Center of Family Health Problems and Human Reproduction; Irkutsk State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7538-8375
SPIN 代码: 6392-0180

PhD (Psychology), Аssistant Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Irkutsk; Irkutsk


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2. Fig. 1. Bland–Altman plot for the scale “Willingness to solve existential problems without reducing their complexity.”

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3. Fig. 2. Bland–Altman plot for the scale “Positive perception of religious doubts.”

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4. Fig. 3. Bland–Altman plot for the scale “Оpenness to change”.

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