


The aim of the investigation was to clarify the role of experimental simulation and development of methodological approaches in solving issues related to human's chemical security in the conditions of increasing environmental pressing of population. The article deals with issues related to the experimental study of the biological effects on the organism of laboratory animals of nanostructured materials, industrial neurotoxicants, combined effects of biological and chemical factors. When nanosilver was administered to albino rats, encapsulated in a polymer matrix arabinogalactan, the formation of the process of neurons apoptosis in nervous brain tissue was stated, despite the absence of general toxicity in the course of intragastric administration of substance to the white rats (Class 4-ingredient low hazard). It substantiates the need to develop new approaches to assessing the risk of the general biological effects of nanopreparations with high specificity for biological targets, at cellular and subcellular levels. Scientifically grounded methodology for studying and assessing the nature of the combined action of biological and chemical factors in the experiment, based on integrated approach to the response of the organism, taking into account donozological body state. Ander the influence of neurotoxicants in experimental conditions the main points of the implementation of pathological process and factors were revealed which contribute to the formation and progression of toxic encephalopathy. A set of highly sensitive methods for assessing the various links of pathological process in central and peripheral nervous system has been developed and adapted. In general, experimental studies make it possible to manage risks and mechanisms of pathological processes formation under the influence of environmental factors on the human body and significantly increase the efficiency of developed methods of diagnostics, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation.


L. Sosedova

Восточно-Сибирский институт медико-экологических исследований; Ангарский государственный технический университет

East-Siberian Institute of Medical and Ecological Research Angarsk State Technical University Angarsk, Russia

T. Filippova

Ангарский государственный технический университет

Angarsk State Technical University Angarsk, Russia


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