


National programs for monitoring chloro-organk compounds (С0С) in the human body have been introduced in different countries. In Russia, this monitoring began at the end of the 20th century. In the Russian Far East, only preliminary data on the accumulation of chloro-organk compounds in the human body have been published so far warranting further research. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the accumulation of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in breast milk of women in the South of the Russian Far East and the compare the findings with the data from 2017. Methods. Breast milk was collected in health institutions in the region (Primorsky Krai). The age of the women ranged from 20 to 49 years. The concentrations of OCPs and PCBs in breast milk samples werestudied by gas chromatography mass-spectrometry. Results. The content of ГОС (EHCHs + EDDTs + EPCBs) in the samples ranged from 23 to 878 ng / g lipids. The concentration ranges of OCPs (EHCHs + EDDTs) and PCBs were 2.8-291 and 3.2-720 ng / g lipids, respectively. Conclusions. The total OCP content in the samples taken in 2018 year was greater than the corresponding data from 2017 (p = 0.035) in all age groups of women. HCH concentrations in 2018 significantly exceed those in 2017 (p = 0.016 and p = 0.008 - according to different evaluation criteria). DDT and its metabolites were below the detection limit in 50 % of samples. The total concentration of PCBs in 2018 was lower than in 2017.


V. Tsygankov

Far Eastern FederaLUniversity

SchooL of Biomedicine; SchooL of Natural Sciences

Yu. Gumovskaya

Far Eastern FederaLUniversity

SchooL of Biomedicine

A. Gumovskiy

Far Eastern FederaLUniversity

SchooL of Biomedicine

I. Koval

Far Eastern FederaLUniversity

SchooL of Biomedicine

M. Boyarova

Far Eastern FederaLUniversity

SchooL of Biomedicine


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版权所有 © Tsygankov V.Y., Gumovskaya Y.P., Gumovskiy A.N., Koval I.P., Boyarova M.D., 2020

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