


A person's living in different environmental conditions also determines his special mental properties, such as memory, thinking, and attention. The aim of this work is to study the quality of students' attention aged 12-17 years living in different climatic and geographical regions: the city of Surgut of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area and in the rural areas of central Russia (Samara region). Pupils of the first group live in extreme climatic conditions of the North, which are made worse by adverse social and environmental factors of urbanization. Pupils of the second group live in a climatically and environmentally friendly area with minimal impact of man-made pollution. The method of the Bourdon correction test was used in a modification proposed by P. A. Rudik. Result. A comparative statistical analysis of the results obtained in the evaluation of the attention properties of different age groups of students was carried out. The dynamics of changes in the K, E, A indices were studied, and the coefficients as a whole were calculated for the entire test and for each minute of the experiment. Specific features of the student's attention development were defined. Age and gender differences, differences in the development of attention indicators in students from two different schools were revealed. Conclusions: statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) of attention distribution and productivity were revealed: the attention efficiency coefficient of Surgut students is 1.15 times lower than that of their peers from the Samara region. All this demonstrates the differences in the attention parameters of students in different ecological zones.


M. Filatov

Surgut Institute of Oil and Gas, Surgut Branch of the Industrial University of Tyumen

доктор биологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры естественнонаучных и гуманитарных дисциплин Surgut, Russia

L. Ilyashenko

Surgut Institute of Oil and Gas, Surgut Branch of the Industrial University of Tyumen

Surgut, Russia

A. Kolosova

Surgut State University

Surgut, Russia

S. Makeeva

Surgut State University

Surgut, Russia


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版权所有 © Filatov M.A., Ilyashenko L.K., Kolosova A.I., Makeeva S.V., 2019

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