


In this paper the results of research of particles of the atmospheric suspensions containing in a snow cover of the Russky Island (Vladivostok) first in the history of supervision, including in the territory of a Campus of Far East Federal University (seasons 2011/2012-2013/2014) are presented. Distribution of the particles of various sizes weighed in air and genesis in areas of the island differing with anthropogenous loading is revealed: campus of Far East Federal University, the bridge through the Eastern Bosphorus Strait and settlement the Channel. It is shown that in connection with increase of anthropogenous press of the Russky Island, its ecological state because of increase in the atmosphere of fractions nano - and microdimensional particles worsens.


K Golokhvast

Far East Federal University

кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник, доцент кафедры безопасности жизнедеятельности в техносфере, Инженерной школы

P Nikiforov

Far East Federal University

V Petukhov

Far East Federal University

V Chayka

Far East Federal University; Nevelskoy Maritime State University


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