


Aim - to identify patterns of the diffuse endemic goiter incidence in adolescents and adults living in different bioclimatic zones and ecological conditions in Primorsky region. Methods. Methods of descriptive statistics and environmental-hygienic evaluation. To assess the reliability of the difference in the indicators, the Pearson criterion was used. The territory of Primorsky region was classified into bioclimatic zones and zones of ecological situation in previously conducted research. Results. It should be noted that in the continental and coastal bioclimatic zones with a relatively favorable level of ecological situation, the incidence of the investigated nosology was higher (in the range of 1 699.1-2 399.9 per 100 000 adolescent population, 702.7-290.1 per 100 000 of the adult population) than in areas with a relatively satisfactory and tense level of environmental situation (93.6-1 423.2 per 100 000 adolescents, 46.5-668.6 per 100 000 adults). The transitional bioclimatic zone was marked by a high level of morbidity in a critical ecological situation (4 844.7 in adolescents, 617.0 in adults) and a stressed environmental situation (1 736.5 in adolescents, 490.1 in adults). Conclusion. Revealed regularity suggests the existence of group of previously neglected factors, taking part in formation of thyroid pathologies, associated with iodine deficiency in Primorsky region. The impact study on the population will help to develop the full picture of dependence appearance of iodine deficiency disorders from environmental factors in the region


K Kondrat'ev

Far-Eastern Federal University, School of biomedicine

магистрант кафедры общественного здоровья и профилактической медицины Школы биомедицины

P Kiku

Far-Eastern Federal University, School of biomedicine

B Andryukov

Far-Eastern Federal University, School of biomedicine

V Moreva

Far-Eastern Federal University, School of biomedicine

K Sabirova

Far-Eastern Federal University, School of biomedicine


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