


This review presents actual knowledge and recent findings on the main sources of radiation exposure on human in space: galactic cosmic rays, Earth radiation belts and solar cosmic rays. Doses of radiation on the space station are in ~200 times higher than the average human exposure in ordinary terrestrial conditions. During yearlong flight on the International space station (ISS) astronaut receives a dose, which exceeds the limits in approximately 10 times (200 mSv/year) for nuclear industry worker. There is a further transformation of cosmic radiation field inside the body of the astronaut at the expense of organs' "self-shielding". These changes should be taken into account to estimate dose exposure on organs and effective dose. In order to compare with the standards the doses for the critical organs must be measured with the help of tissue-equivalent phantoms dummies. Authors consider such problems as phantom dose measurement in space experiments; irradiation through the spacesuit during the extravehicular activity; application of physical methods for the astronauts' protection and radiation exposure on the Moon and Mars. For the average "exit" with duration of ~5 hours with undisturbed conditions the astronaut receives a further 0.3-0.5 mSv, which is close to the average dose inside the station. Cosmic radiation on the Moon's surface is severer than, for example, on Mars. The radiation load on the surface of Mars is average


A Samoylov

A. I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Centre (FMBC)

Moscow, Russia

I Ushakov

A. I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Centre (FMBC)

Email: ibushakov@gmail.com
академик РАН, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, главный научный сотрудник Moscow, Russia

V Shurshakov

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Science (IBMP RAS)

Moscow, Russia


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