


The paper presents the use of repeated measures analysis of variance (RM-ANOVA) in biomedical studies. Special attention is given to conceptualization of research questions, data computerization and data presentation as well as to assumptions for this method. We also discuss recommendations for presenting results of RM-ANOVA in scientific reports. For better understanding of the method we present practical example using the data on repeatedly measured blood glucose levels in patients with PCOS and healthy women from different ethnic groups after oral glucose tolerance test. Practical implementation of RM-ANOVA in R and SPSS software is also given with syntax and graphs.


A Atalyan

Scientific Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems

Irkutsk, Russia

O Kuzmin

Irkutsk State University


Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Computer Science

Irkutsk, Russia

A Grjibovski

Northern State Medical University; Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University; North-Eastern Federal University


доктор медицины, заведующий ЦНИЛ ; профессор; почетный доктор; почетный профессор; визитинг-профессор

Arkhangelsk, Russia; Almaty, Kazakhstan; Aktobe, Kazakhstan; Yakutsk, Russia

L Suturina

Scientific Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems

Irkutsk, Russia


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