Justification of the need for the system of medical support for high school students with enhanced mental abilities





INTRODUCTION: To fully realize the intellectual potential of high school students with enhanced abilities, it is crucial to create conditions that promote and preserve their physical and mental health.

METHODS: To scientifically support the system of assisting students with enhanced mental abilities in the face of risk factors within the educational environment, a one-stage study was conducted at a multidisciplinary lyceum for gifted adolescents. The study focused on identifying risk factors associated with the organization and intensity of the educational process and daily routine of students in grades 9–11. To further support the use of biofeedback in the school medical system, students were taught the diaphragmatic breathing technique. The effectiveness of this technique was evaluated through a comparative analysis of the functional state of the central nervous- and cardiovascular systems, as well as the psycho-emotional status of students before and after two weeks of functional biofeedback training.

RESULTS: We found that students were at risk for health problems due to poorly organized educational activities, high intensity of studies and neglect of health-promoting habits such as adequate sleep and walking. However, it has also been found that academic demands can enhance mental performance, albeit at the cost of increased stress on the body's regulatory systems. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a support system for students that addresses these concerns. One promising intervention is diaphragmatic breathing training, which has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve mental performance and adaptability in students.

CONCLUSION: Our findings have enabled the scientific substantiation and development of a comprehensive system to support students with enhanced abilities throughout their educational path. This system involves assessment of the psychophysiological state of students, identifying those at risk and those in good health, and organizing a range of corrective, health-promoting, and health-protecting measures. These measures are designed to enhance compensatory capabilities and psychophysiological reserves, as well as to strengthen students' health during the learning process.


Andrei Setko

Federal Scientific Center of Hygiene named after F.F. Erisman

Email: a_isetko@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6887-6776
SPIN 代码: 1396-8482

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Olesya Zhdanova

Orenburg State Medical University

Email: Robokors@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4694-0674
SPIN 代码: 3353-8275

PhD Student

俄罗斯联邦, Orenburg


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2. Fig. 1. Correlation between mental performance and the stress index across risk factors within the educational environment: 1 — weekly educational load; 2 — daily educational load; 3 — the degree of difficulty of educational subjects; 4 — intellectual loads; 5 — sensory loads; 6 — emotional stress; 7 — monotony of the educational process; 8 — mode of work in the classroom; 9 — components of the daily regimen; 10 — homework; 11 — extracurricular optional classes; 12 — classes in sports sections; 13 — night sleep; 14 — outdoor walks.

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3. Fig. 2. Distribution of students depending by biological adaptation before and after functional biofeedback trainings (%).

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4. Fig. 3. The distribution of students by the compliance of the total deviation from the normal values before and after thefunctional biofeedback trainings (%).

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5. Fig. 4. Indicators of the functional state of the central nervous system before and after functional biofeedback trainings (%).

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6. Fig. 5. Distribution of students by the level of performance before and after functional biofeedback trainings (%).

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7. Fig. 6. The system of following-up students with enhanced abilities in the educational process.

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