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Aim: To study intestinal microbiota and the parameters of oxidative stress in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS). Methods: The sample consisted of 50 patients with MS aged 55-65 years and residing in Saint Petersburg. The reference group consisted of 129 individuals of similar age without MS. The quantitative and qualitative composition of parietal intestinal microbiota was studied by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry using microbial markers in plasma. Oxidative stress the final oxidation products of protein molecules and lipids including 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine and malonic aldehyde were estimated. Nutritional antioxidants including vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids etc. were assessed by chromatography mass spectrometry and mass spectrometry. Results: In the parietal layer of the intestine in individuals with MS, the total number of microbial markers is positively associated with the markers of the opportunistic microflora and lower levels of normal microflora. In MS patients, the ratio of normal microflora to conditionally pathogenic microflora is twice as low as in the reference group. Level of malonic dialdehyde and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosin were 48 % and 39 % higher in the MS group. Moreover, plasma concentrations of vitamin E and zinc were lower by 42 % and 80 % in patients with MS compared to the reference group. Сonclusions: The observed differences in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the parietal microbiota of the intestine in individuals with MS compared to the reference group suggest development of intestinal dysbiosis in MS patients. The intestinal dysbiosis is accompanied by oxidative stress manifested by an increase in the level of malonic dialdehyde in the blood plasma and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine in the urine, as well as a decrease in the level of vitamin E and zinc in the blood plasma.

About the authors

I. I. Shantir'

Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia

G. G. Rodionov

Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia

доктор медицинских наук, доцент, зав. научно-исследовательской лабораторией токсикологии и лекарственного мониторинга

Yu. A. Fominykh

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

S. S. Batskov

Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia

I. E. Ushal

Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia

E. A. Kolobova

Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia

E. V. Svetkina

Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia

M. V. Sannikov

Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Shantir' I.I., Rodionov G.G., Fominykh Y.A., Batskov S.S., Ushal I.E., Kolobova E.A., Svetkina E.V., Sannikov M.V.

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