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In 2009 in the Arkhangelsk region, the computerized system of tuberculosis monitoring inIT-TB was developed and placed in operation. The system has a multi-level structure, Firebird 2 is used as a server of the database control system. Computers being part of the local computer network of the Arkhangelsk Regional Antituberculous Dispensary work with a client application for Win32. By way of the three-level web-module, the system is connected with the users of the Regional Hospital of the Federal Penitentiary Service and five offices of local phthisiologists. As of the 1 January 2011, the system database contained information about registration of all tuberculosis cases in the civilian sector on the territory of the region, the results of treatment and data on bacterial tests from 1 January 2007. The system allowed to improve efficiency of data exchange between the Antituberculosis Service units and to form statistical reporting on an operational basis.

About the authors

G А Balantsev

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov

кандидат технических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры электротехники и энергетических систем Arkhangelsk

D V Perkhin

Regional Clinical Antituberculous Dispensary


Е I Nikishova

Regional Clinical Antituberculous Dispensary


Е Heldal

Norwegian Association of Heart and Lung Patients

Oslo, Norway

А О Maryandyshev

Northern State Medical University



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Copyright (c) 2012 Balantsev G.А., Perkhin D.V., Nikishova Е.I., Heldal Е., Maryandyshev А.О.

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