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The structure of traumatism and damages in 441 victims of river shipwrecks in 1983-2012 has been studied. The main types of damages in 172 rescuees in the river shipwrecks were light supercoolings (65.1 %), isolated, multiple and concomitant mechanical traumas (23.8 %), combined mechanical-cold traumas (7.6 %), combined mechanical-burn damages (3.5 %). Among 269 victims, the reasons of the lethal outcomes were drowning (68.4 %), mechanical damages (17.1 %), combined mechanical-cold traumas (10.4 %), combined mechanical-burn traumas (4.1 %). In the structure of the mechanical damages, combined two-factor mechanical-cold and mechanical-burn traumas among the rescued persons, there dominated light mechanical traumas and light cold traumas (29.3 %), and serious mechanical traumas (23.1 %) dominated among the victims.

About the authors

Yu N Zakrevski

NAVY Hospital, Severomorsk

R P Matveev

Northern State Medical University

доктор медицинских наук, зав. кафедрой травматологии, ортопедии и военной хирургии

V M Manuilov

Military Hospital, Moscow


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