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Separation of a new science discipline has been grounded - mental medicine the methodological base of which is synergetics - an interdisciplinary science about development and self-organization. Mental medicine has conceptually-methodologically and technologically united the prenosological field of mental health and the nosological field of mental illnesses. It allowed to integrate successively and systematically the medical-rehabilitation strategies of nosocentric clinical psychiatry and preventive-correctional methods of healthcentric mental preventology. Mental medicine is a science studying etiopathogenesis and diagnostics, clinical picture and treatment of mental disorders, biopsychosocial resources of personality and society development, strategies and mechanisms of adaptation and professiogenesis based on the united synergetic methodology. This formulation includes a classical definition of psychiatry and all modalities separated in the WHO characteristics of mental health, which are priorities of mental preventology.

About the authors

P I Sidorov

Northern State Medical University

академик РАМН, директор Институт ментальной медицины


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