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Results of a pilot experiment on studying of biological effect of dust of non-ferrous metals processing production as the least studied pollutant of conglomerations’ atmospheric air have been presented. The experiment was conducted with use of 30 outbread white rats. The studied dust was administered in the experimental animals by the intratracheal way in the dose 6.25 mg per 1.0 ml of on exposition 6 months. The animals of the control group were administered equivalent quantity of normal saline solution. It has been established that biological effect of the dust which was a part of the atmospheric emissions of the non-ferrous metals processing enterprise during chronic influence in small doses, along with the resorptive-toxic effect, was characterized by activation of processes of free radical oxidation, destabilization of the system of antioxidant protection and formation of immunop-athological processes.

About the authors

B A Petrov

Kirov State Medical Academy

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой общественного здоровья Kirov, Russia

E N Onuchina

Kirov State Medical Academy

Kirov, Russia

S B Petrov

Kirov State Medical Academy

Kirov, Russia

P I Tsapoc

Kirov State Medical Academy

Kirov, Russia


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