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Conceptual and methodological, instrumental and technological resources of mental medicine (MM) in the diagnostics and treatment of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are systematized in the article. Mental medicine is a system synthesis of clinical psychiatry (thesis) and anti-psychiatry (antithesis) that continuingly and harmoniously integrates preventive and correctional, treatment and rehabilitation approaches. With the creation of mental medicine, anti-psychiatry century ends and a new stage in the development of clinical neuroscience begins based on a synergetic multidimensional methodology. Isolation of the mental immunodeficiency syndrome (MIS) is justified as the pathogenic mental disorder of mental immunity (MI). MI is biopsychosociospiritual matrix of identity and the basis of personal security. Identity is self-determination (for children self-perception) of an individual in terms of his physical and mental, social and moral traits. The synergetic functional diagnostics (SFD) is proposed as an expanded mental 4D-mapping, which gives not only clinical, psychological, social and spiritual evaluation of phenomenology, but also helps to identify the preserved and potentially claimed new resources of personalized assistance and adaptation enhancement. Definition of standard functions of MI is given. Clinical phenomenology of MIS is provided manifesting in disorders of identity and communication. MIS can be congenital and early, childhood and late, acquired or induced. The technological platform of mental medicine is revealed, synergetically accumulating molecular genetic and medical-biological, social and psychological, spiritual and moral resources that increase the effectiveness of the early intervention due to the screening batteries of mental 4D-mapping and multidisciplinary brigade block-modular assistance programs. Pathogenetic treatment of MIS is sanogenetic therapy - adaptive engineering and management of mind and health for the recovery of mental immunity. The article gives examples of the positive regional experience in the implementation of pilot models. Autism as a "mystery of the nineteenth century" was isolated and developed by many prominent psychiatrists. The modern ASD became "a problem of the twentieth century", breaking out of the nosocentric boundaries of the clinical psychiatry. The demand for a synergetic scientific-practical paradigm of the MM has emerged, particularly in the made by us allocation of MI and MIS, having become one more step that makes neurosciences closer to the tomorrow "opening of the XXI century".

About the authors

P I Sidorov

Northern State Medical University

академик Arkhangelsk, Russia


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