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The aim - to conduct a risk assessment of the sanitary and chemical indicators of water for the population and to determine the impact of the quality of centralized drinking water on health. Methods. To assess the risk of drinking water, the database of water test results for 2014-2016 was used. General principles of calculations are taken from the manual and guidelines. The analysis of water is carried out according to sanitary rules and norms. The risk of sanitary and chemical indicators was calculated for the conditions of prolonged and combined oral exposure of several chemicals based on the daily consumption of water by the population with a diverse elemental composition. The calculations used the standard values of water intake for adults (70 kg of body 2 l/day) and children (15 kg of body 1 l/day). To establish the statistical relationship, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used at a significance level of p < 0.05. Results. Analysis of chemicals in drinking water revealed exceedances of maximum permissible concentrations for manganese (by 1.4 times) and iron (from 4.1 to 13.0 times). In calculating the total risk, the critical organs that are most susceptible to the influence of chemicals in the water, such as the circulatory system, skin, genitourinary and immune systems, have been identified. The greatest contribution to the development of the risk of diseases of these systems is made by iron and arsenic. The level of morbidity in the circulatory system among adults is affected by arsenic (R = 0.61), and among children iron (R = 0.79). The hazard ratio was maximum for iron (HQ = 0.833) and arsenic (HQ = 0.426) in drinking water for the child population. A direct positive correlation was found between arsenic concentration and the incidence of adult population in the area for skin and subcutaneous tissue, and for children between the concentration of iron in water and diseases of the circulatory system. Conclusions. The results allow to determine the directions of sanitary-hygienic measures aimed at improving the quality of drinking water and preserving the health of the population.

About the authors

P F Kiku

Far Eastern Federal University

Email: lme@list.ru
School of biomedicine Vladivostok, Russia

L V Kislitsina

Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Primorsky region

Vladivostok, Russia

V D Bogdanova

Far Eastern Federal University; Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Primorsky region

School of biomedicine Vladivostok, Russia

K M Sabirova

Far Eastern Federal University; Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Primorsky region

School of biomedicine Vladivostok, Russia


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