To the history of the creation of anatomical theaters in the Medical and Surgical (Military Medical Academy)




Was established that the prototype of anatomical theaters in Russia was the anatomical theater of Leiden University (Holland), built in 1575. This theater is shown in color engraving of Cornelius Woodan, created in 1610. In St. Petersburg, at the Department of Anatomy and Physiology of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy, this engraving was received in 1805 as part of the collection of the anatomist V. Kruikshenk, acquired for the academy with the direct assistance of Emperor Alexander I. In Russia, the first anatomical theater appeared only in 1708. It was created at the Moscow Medical and Surgical Academy. Historians connect his appearance with a visit in 1697 by Emperor Peter the I of Leiden University. In St. Petersburg, the history of anatomical theaters dates back to the PetrovskayaKunstkamera, built in 1722. It demonstrated rarities - «freaks», and also heard scientific reports. Russian anatomical theaters as an arena for the production of public spectacular autopsy did not receive their development but became an integral part of the anatomy department at higher educational institutions. Such an anatomical training theater was built at the foundation of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy on the right bank of the Neva in a stone two- story building. The first head of the Department of Anatomy and hysiology, P.A. Zagorsky took part in its design and equipment. Zagorsky. There was a table in the center of the amphitheater, the dimensions of which made it possible to demonstrate a whole corpse at a lecture, to conduct physiological experiments. In this amphitheater, lectures were given by Professor P.A. Zagorsky, I.V. Buyalsky, P.A. Naranovich. It lasted until 1871. The creation of a new anatomical theater in Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy is associated with the name of Professor V.L. Gruber, who after N.I. Pirogov headed the Anatomical Institute. In 1857, V.L. Gruber visited 13 anatomical institutes in Germany and in his trip report substantiated the idea of building a new anatomical building - a specialized Anatomical Institute. V.L. Gruber report was approved by the Academy Conference, headed by its head - P.A. Dubovitsky. In 1864, the building was laid, the construction of which was completed only in 1871. The construction was carried out under the guidance of an engineer - captain of the academician of architecture K.Ya. Sokolova. In this three-story building, the current Anatomical building, two classrooms were built in each wing - № 1 and № 2. They look like an amphitheater and are a prototype of the best European anatomical theaters. Currently, overhaul has been carried out in this building; the design of the anatomical theater has been preserved in classrooms 1 and 2. These auditoriums, which are a historical monument of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy, are equipped with modern technical training aids. It is in these classrooms that cadets and students of the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy are currently starting their journey into medicine.


I. Gaivoronskiy

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

M. Tvardovskaya

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg




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