Hero of the Soviet Union Dyskin Efim Anatolyevich - legendary person (to the 75th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War)




Hero of the Soviet Union Efim Anatolyevich Dyskin - a prominent domestic scientist and teacher of higher education, head of the department of normal anatomy (1968-1988), Honorary Doctor of the Military Medical Academynamed after S.M. Kirov, major general of the medical service. Professor E.A. Dyskin is the founder of the new scientific direction «Anatomy and Military Medicine». At the age of eighteen E.A. Dyskin volunteered for the front, participated in battles to defend Moscow. On November 16, 1941, he accomplished a heroic feat, for which he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. However, after a serious wound, the Red Army soldier Dyskin survived, was treated in hospitals for about a year, at the same time he graduated from the feldsher school, from 1942 to 1947 studied at the Military Medical Academy. After graduating from the Academy from 1948 to 1968 E.A. Dyskin worked under the direction of Professor A.N. Maksimenkov a at the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, where he went from an adjunct to a professor. In 1968 he was appointed as a head of the Department of Normal Anatomy, which he directed for 20 years.He created a scientific anatomical school that developed pecularities on the morphology of various types of gunshot wounds and the effects of extreme factors of military labor on the human body. Under his leadership, research was also conducted to study the state of collateral circulation, the functional anatomy of the digestive system, craniology, and the history of military medicine. Scientific ideas of Professor E.A. Dyskin continues to develop in the writings of students and followers at the Department of Normal Anatomy, and neuromorphology - at the Department of Nervous Diseases of Military Medical Academy.


A. Fisun

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

I. Gaivoronsky

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

M. Odinak

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

I. Litvinenko

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

G. Nichiporuk

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

D. Dyskin

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

M. Koshkaryov

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg




版权所有 © Fisun A.Y., Gaivoronsky I.V., Odinak M.M., Litvinenko I.V., Nichiporuk G.I., Dyskin D.E., Koshkaryov M.A., 2020

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