Measuring instruments metrological monitoring in a medical organization based on a process approach




A model of the process of metrological control of measuring instruments is presented. The model includes 6 or9 stages, depending on the results of metrological control. Based on the list of measuring instruments, a contract is concludedfor metrological control. After the conclusion of the contract, the collection of documents necessary for verification iscollected. Further, the measuring instruments are transferred to an accredited organization. An accredited organization carriesout verification. If, according to the results of verification, the tool is deemed suitable for use, then the stage of obtainingconfirmation of the verification is carried out. The output at this stage will be a verification certificate. If, according to theresults of verification, the measuring instrument is not suitable for operation, then the stage of canceling the verificationcertificate is carried out. The next steps in this case are to receive notice of unsuitability for use and write-off of the measuringinstrument. At this process is considered complete. The target indicators (indicators) of the process are: the measurementerror of specific measuring instruments within the established limits. Monitoring (control) of the process is carried out bya metrology engineer of a medical organization. Control methods are: control of the calibration intervals of measuringinstruments. The model is recommended as a model for use in medical organizations. The use of this model in the presenceof a target indicator (indicator) of the process of metrological control will ensure the necessary quality of metrological workin a medical organization within the framework of the internal quality control system.


S. Mendel

National Research Institute of Public Health named after N. A. Semashko

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow




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