Centenary on the protection of the health of military communication workers




The main historical dates of formation and formation of the system of preservation and improvement of health of military personnel from among students (cadets and listeners) and permanent staff (faculty and supporting) of the Military Telecommunications Academy named after the Soviet Union Marshal Budienny S. M. for 100 years are presented. The place and role of the medical service of the Military Telecommunications Academy in the training of military liaison officers are covered. A historical report on the formation of a system of training of military specialists and their health protection is presented. The medical service of the Military Telecommunications Academy, as a structural unit, began operations in 1932. During the ninety-year period of work, the medical service of the Military Telecommunications Academy has gone through a difficult and long path of its formation and development. It was served and employed by various specialists who left significant contributions to the maintenance and preservation of the health of all categories of students and faculty. Today’s days of medical service of the Military Telecommunications Academy are the prevention of the most significant diseases for military personnel, in particular respiratory organs and cardiovascular system. The management of the Academy constantly interacts with the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, 442 Military clinical hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as in its branches and structural subdivisions. The level of morbidity, hospitalization and labour loss of military personnel of the Military Telecommunications Academy remains quite low. This is facilitated by the good equipment of the functional offices of the medical clinic and the polyclinic of the Academy, where surgical (outpatient), therapeutic, gynaecological and dental care is provided to various contingents of persons entitled by law to receive free medical care.


A Klimzov

Военная академия связи им. Маршала Советского Союза С.М. Буденного

Email: klimzovmed@yandex.ru

E Shalkayev

Военная академия связи им. Маршала Советского Союза С.М. Буденного


R Lemeshkin

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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版权所有 © Klimzov A.G., Shalkayev E.D., Lemeshkin R.N., 2020

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