Peter the Great is the founder of the military medical education in Saint Petersburg




The study is dedicated to the founding date of medical (medical and surgical) schools at the General hospitals of St. Petersburg, which are the historical foundation of the Medical and Surgical (Military Medical) Academy. Archival documents from the funds of the Russian State Archive of the Navy, as well as published sources prove and confirm that Peter the Great is the founder of medical (medical and surgical) schools at the General hospitals of St. Petersburg. According to the ingenious converter of Russia, the establishment of medical schools in the military and naval capital of the Russian Empire was part of state reform plans, it was extremely necessary and mandatory for the development of domestic medicine. A historical review of Russian military legislation of the era of Peter the Great is presented, where issues of medicine are touched. Particular attention is paid to archival documents. The reports (programs) of the first archivist and president of the Medical Chancellery and the entire medical service of Russia, Robert Erskine, and his successor, archivist Ivan Lavrentievich Blumentrost, to the president of the Admiralty Board, General Admiral Count F.M., were examined and analyzed in detail. Apraksin on bringing the medical unit in the fleet in proper condition. In the report I.L. Blumentrosta dated December 3, 1719 explicitly said about the already established medical school at the Admiralty Hospital of St. Petersburg and about the conduct of training sessions in it. The submitted documents developed a plan for the organization of marine hospitals, calculated the staff of medical personnel in the hospital and navy, reflected the plan for training medical students and preparing doctors, proposed solutions to other issues of organizing a medical service. The «Regulations on hospitals and on the positions of commissioners, doctors, clerks and others identified by them» of 1722, compiled on the basis of the programs of R. Erskine and I. L. Blumentrosta. This Regulation was the Russian hospital charter until the approval of the new law - the «General Regulation on Hospitals» (1735), which included 40 paragraphs of the Regulation 1722.


N Milasheva

Государственный Эрмитаж


V Samoilov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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