Mikhail Kuzmich Geykin and his contribution to development of scientific and applied questions of maxillofacial surgery and stomatology (to the 120 anniversary since birth)




Materials on the history of military medicine are presented, maxillofacial surgery and dentistry in connection with the 120th birthday of a prominent maxillofacial surgeon and dentist, one of the patriarchs of Russian dentistry, a World War II veteran, doctor of medical sciences, assistant professor, colonel of the medical service Mikhail Kuzmich Geikin, who was at the forefront of Russian dentistry and was among the first to create Russian military dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. The data on the formation of M.K. Geikin as a military doctor, dentist and maxillofacial surgeon, his military career during the Soviet-Finnish and World War II. Turning to life, professional and social activities M.K. Geikin, you can find not only interesting scientific facts from the history of military medicine, dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, but also analogies with the present, answers to many clinical problems of the specialty and medicine of today. The main directions of his scientific activity, which touched on the issues of almost all sections of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, are noted. Being the first adjunct of the Department of Odontology of the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, a major research scientist, he contributed to the development of the first Russian theory of dental caries and the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases, one of the first to study the aviation aspects of military dentistry, and to develop new methods for temporary and therapeutic immobilization of jaw fragments in injuries and injuries of the maxillofacial region. He created a technique for intravital capillaroscopy and capillarography, did a lot for use in dentistry auriculodiagnostics and acupuncture, proposed a device for searching for biologically active points on the human body - tobiskop Geikina. M.K. Geykin did not create his own scientific school, but being one of the founders of Russian dentistry in Russia, including military dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, he should rightfully be recognized as one of the patriarchs of military medicine, dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.


A Iordanishvili

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru


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