Clinical aspects of providing specialized care to people burned after the disaster in Bashkiria in 1989




The contents of the organization of specialized medical care for those burned after a railway accident in Bashkiria in 1989 are investigated. Features of the evacuation and sorting of victims into various burn centers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are described. The data on sorting and evacuation to various regions of the country are given. The materials on the statistics and structure of those who were burned from Bashkiria to medical institutions of federal significance are summarized. Information was collected from various primary sources on the number and structure of patients delivered to the burn clinics of the country. Information was obtained on the treatment methods applied to injured by medical teams of hospitals. The role of the decision of the leadership of the Ministry of Health in organizing the dispersal of a large number of burned, concentrated in Bashkiria, to the regional and federal medical centers of the country is emphasized. Information is given on the participation of both individual specialists, teams, and foreign states in assisting victims of the railway accident in Bashkiria. The significance of the accumulated scientific and practical experience is summarized in several scientific and practical conferences. So, they highlighted the issues of providing victims with medical care at the stages of evacuation, the provision of specialized medical care and rehabilitation at the hospital stage. They indicated that it is necessary to follow the provisions of the military medical doctrine and organize medical care on the principles of staged treatment.


T Stepanova

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


V Sokolov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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