Diagnosis of hepatic steatosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the military




The diagnostic possibilities of non-invasive methods for assessing liver steatosis in patients suffering from non- alcoholic fatty liver disease have been studied. It was found that in patients suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the values of the controlled parameter of ultrasound attenuation were significantly higher than normal values and were significantly higher (p<0,001) than in the group of subjects without liver pathology (277 [270; 283] and 215 [205; 225] dB/m). Patients suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease were most often diagnosed with steatosis of the second and third degree (33,5 and30,9%), less often with steatosis of the first degree and absence of steatosis (26,4 and 9,2%). In the group of subjects without liver pathology, steatosis was not detected in 63,7% of people, in 29,8% the first degree was detected, in 6,5% of patients-the second degree of steatosis. Fatty liver index in the group of persons suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease was higher than normal values and significantly (p<0,01) exceeded the value of the group of subjects without liver disease (75,4 [72,2;78,5] and 27,4 [23,1; 31,7] units). Results above the threshold were observed in 76,2% of patients, while values of less than30 units, indicating the absence of the disease, were determined only in 3,5% of people. Hepatic steatosis index in the groupof patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease was higher than the threshold values and significantly (p<0,001) differedfrom the control group (39,3 [37,9; 40,6 and 25,8 [24,9; 26,8] units). At the same time, in the group of patients sufferingfrom non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, it was detected in 71,3% of people, while in the healthy group only 7,3% of people.The quality of the diagnostic model, a value of the controlled attenuation parameter of the ultrasound was regarded as verygood (area under curve receiver is 0,854±0,026 units, Youden index 0,603 units), the indices of fatty liver disease and hepaticsteatosis as excellent (area under curve receiver 0,941±0,016 and 0,919±0,0168 units, Youden index 0,783 and 0,708 units).


I Zhirkov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru


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