In memory of Academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (on the 170th anniversary of his birth)




The main years of the life and scientific creativity of I.P. Pavlova. Illuminated little-known facts from the life of a scientist. It is noted that IP Pavlov is one of the most prominent representatives of modern natural science, the creator of the materialistic theory of higher nervous activity of humans and animals, the founder of the largest physiological school of modernity and new approaches and methods of research in physiology. Pavlov I.P, studied many topical problems of physiology and medicine, but his most systematic and thorough research relates to the physiology of the circulatory and digestive systems, as well as the higher parts of the central nervous system: they are rightfully considered classic, which opened new pages in the relevant sections of physiology and medicine. New and valuable were the results of his research also on individual issues of the physiology of the endocrine system, comparative physiology, physiology of labor and pharmacology. Being deeply convinced that “for a natural scientist, everything is in a method,” IP Pavlov elaborated and introduced the practice of physiological research into the method of a chronic experiment, based on the need for a multilateral and detailed study of the body’s functions in natural conditions, in inseparable communication and interaction with the environment. This method brought the physiology out of the impasse created by a one-sided, analytical method of acute vivisection experiment that prevailed for a long time. Used in the early works of Pavlov on the physiology of blood circulation, the method of chronic experiment was elevated to the rank of a new scientific experimental principle in basic research on the physiology of digestion and then perfected when studying the functions of the higher parts of the central nervous system. Pavlov I.P comprehensively researched and studied the dynamics of the secretory process of the gastric and salivary glands, pancreatic glands, the work of the liver in the use of food of different quality, proved their ability to adapt to the nature of the causative agents of secretion. Created by Pavlov’s theory of higher nervous activity is one of the greatest achievements of natural science in the 20th century. It is a system of the most reliable, complete, accurate and deep knowledge of brain functions and is of great practical importance for medicine, psychology, pedagogy, and scientific organization of complex labor processes.


V Apchel

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова; Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена


T Morgoshiia

Санкт-Петербургская клиническая больница Российской академии наук



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  2. Анохин, П.К. Иван Петрович Павлов / П.К. Анохин. - М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1949. - 174 с.
  3. Асратян, Э.А. И.П. Павлов - жизнь и научное творчество / Э.А. Асратян. - М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1949. - 202 с.
  4. Павлов, И.П. Полное собрание трудов / И.П. Павлов. - М. - Л., 1946. - Т. 2. - С. 23.
  5. Павлов, И.П. Полное собрание трудов / И.П. Павлов. - М. - Л., 1949. - Т. 3. - С. 228-229.
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  7. Поповский, А.Д. Законы жизни / А.Д. Поповский. - М., Советский писатель, 1963. - 884 с.
  8. Сеченов, И.М. Рефлексы головного мозга / И.М. Сеченов. - Л., 1926. - С. 29.
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