The first academician from dentistry, professor, colonel of medical service A.I. Rybakov




Presents information from the life of a maxillofacial surgeon and dentist, one of the patriarchs of domestic dentistry, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, doctor of medical sciences, professor, colonel of medical service Anatoly Ivanovich Rybakov, known in our country and abroad. , who was the first director of the Central Research Institute of Dentistry. The data on the formation of A.I. Rybakov as a military doctor and dentist, his combat path during the Great Patriotic War. Turning to the life and professional and social activities of Anatoly Ivanovich, one can find not only interesting scientific facts from the history of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, but also analogies with modernity, answers to many clinical problems of the specialty and medicine of today. The main directions of his scientific activity, which touched questions of almost all sections of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, are noted. A.I. Rybakov was one of the creators of the working concept of the pathogenesis of dental caries and periodontal diseases, the author of the first recorded discovery in dentistry on the phenomenon of the production of intestinal antigen by the oral mucosa of mammals, the founder of the study of the epidemiology of dental diseases in Russia and the Republics of the Soviet Socialist Republics. It is noted that he was a refined connoisseur of the history of national ballet, a true professional and an authority in this field of art. Anatoly Ivanovich, being one of the founders of domestic dentistry, as well as the school of dentists and maxillofacial surgeons, is rightfully recognized as one of the patriarchs of domestic dentistry.


A Iordanishvili

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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