The requirement for achievement in young people




Аbstract. The desire to improve results, a dissatisfaction with what has been achieved, a perseverance in achieving their goals, the desire to achieve their own at any cost - all of this is one of the nuclear traits of a person that influence all of human life. It is believed that a person in his profession can accomplish one of two main missions: a professional self-realization, with a predominant orientation «towards society» (to make a successful career, to reach the heights of excellence and, accordingly, a public recognition), or an self-realization of himself as an individual (a predominant «self-directed» orientation, which may not always coincide with his professional self-realization). It is believed that the motives of the choice of a profession by students are closely related to their value orientations, and the study of factors influencing a person’s attitude to the profession and himself allows determining the specificity of the professional field, where the subject area of work activity is designated as a new psychological reality, activating a personality to self-transformation and the world around us. It is shown that the level of achievement motivation, the motivation for success among young people is medium. Reduced and increased need identified in isolated cases. The nature of the distribution of ego states in the personality structure of young people (men and women) is due to the sex characteristics of the groups. In the study of tightness between correlation between indicators of the need for achievement and indicators of ego-states of personality structures, it is shown that this force is weak in men, while in women it is moderate between the need for achievement and indicators «Rebellious child» and «Caring parent». This corresponds to the idea of the possibility of considering your life as an interrelation of a number of events with subjective experiences, since the psychological fate of an individual determines the way of experiencing the events of life. The adequacy of self-esteem is characterized by the measure of an individual’s assessment of his activity with external assessments of these results, the nature of reflection of this coincidence in his mind, but it also depends on the need for achievement. This will allow the development of effective integrated programs that help optimize both perseverance and self-realization of the individual.


I Uliukin

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


N Kiseliova

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


D Kostin

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


A Berezovskii

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


E Orlova

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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版权所有 © Uliukin I.M., Kiseliova N.V., Kostin D.V., Berezovskii A.V., Orlova E.S., 2019

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