Issues of prevention of suicidal behavior in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation




The issues of prevention of suicidal incidents in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are considered. The analysis of suicide prevalence among military personnel of various categories and their prevailing causes for the period from 2013 to 2017 is indicated. Indicates a change in the percentage ratio of various categories of military personnel who committed suicide, with a steady increase in the proportion of privates and sergeants serving in military service under the contract (from 24,6% in 2011 to 57,4% in 2017). It was established that among the servicemen under the contract family and everyday reasons for suicide prevailed, while conscripts were military professional. A comparison was also made of the long-term (2007-2017) dynamics of suicide rates and the incidence of mental disorders among military personnel, and certain patterns were identified. Thus, in the group of officers and ensigns, a significant correlation was noted between the long-term dynamics of suicide rates with neurotic (r=0,74) and addictive disorders (r=0,86), as well as general mental morbidity (r=0,83), and for conscripts, with personality disorders (r=0,79) and organic mental disorders (r=0,71). A comparison of the long-term dynamics of the overall incidence of mental disorders and the suicide rate among conscripts also showed a positive correlation (r=0,69). Analyzed the system of prevention of suicidal incidents in military personnel, which currently exists and proposed measures for its improvement, including the areas of activity of officials for the prevention of suicidal incidents in the military. It also indicates the need to shift the focus from specific prevention (direct detection and prevention of suicidal actions in military personnel with mental disorders) to non-specific (prevention of general mental distress and suicidal tendencies in mentally healthy people).


V Shamrey

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


K Dnov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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